Postnatal Prep Session
For women in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy
90 minutes | £90
What is covered in the Postnatal Prep Session?
Private session to prepare you for a positive postnatal experience, emotionally and practically.
What to expect and what you can put in place in pregnancy to make the transition to parenthood as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
Exploring specific concerns and setting realistic expectations for your 4th trimester.
A personalised Postnatal Wellbeing Plan sent to you afterwards to revisit when your baby is here
Key postnatal topics covered include:​
Looking after you too and finding balance. Easy ways to feel like you again and refill your cup so you have more energy and resilience to care for your tiny human.
Your Emotional Wellbeing. Normalising the common feelings that might come up and simple techniques for navigating harder moments and dealing with more intense emotions like overwhelm.
The Postpartum Body: A focus on physical healing and wellbeing, and learning to appreciate our postpartum bodies.
Mindful feeding and Rest. How to prepare for a positive and comfortable feeding experience (however you plan to feed your baby), coping with sleep deprivation and maximising rest. ​
Available online via Zoom or in person (Winchester area)