Just wanted to get in touch to let you know about the birth of our beautiful daughter.
We thoroughly made the most of our "bonus time" after the due date savouring the time just the 2 of us, had a due date dinner date at the King Alfred, I had a pregnancy massage, met friends for coffee, continued with the pregnancy yoga class and did lots of cooking for the freezer. Felt really relaxed during that time and knew our baby would make an appearance when ready!
I had a sweep at 40+6 to reduce the need for induction, I was also intrigued about whether my cervix was getting ready as baby had been low in my pelvis for a number of weeks. Was 1-2cm dilated and cervix very soft (thanks to the dates I reckon!) so my body was obviously preparing. At 6pm on that day I started having contractions, managed to sleep for some of the night. G worked from home the next day and I spent all day doing up breathing, bouncing on the ball, pacing around the house, using the TENS machine, leaning on various furniture, having back rubs from G and eating very random foods!
We phoned labour line a few times and was told to phone again when contractions were 'toe curling'... so I continued to breath through them, trying not to think of them being toe curling!! At 6pm G phoned labour line thinking it was probably time to go in now. Put chilled music on in the car and pulled my woolly hat over my eyes for the journey. Got to hospital really focused on staying relaxed. Putting my arms around G during every contraction and having lots of hugs really helped. Were taken to one of the lovely low risk birth suites and realised I didn't need my led candles as they had them there! It was lovely and relaxed in the room, during the initial checks by the student midwife, contractions ramped up. When offered, I asked that another midwife did my cervical check instead of the student as she said they may have to do it twice if she wasn't sure.
I was already 7cm dilated!
Soon it was shift change, while they were handing over I told them I felt the urge to push, they said that's normal, when I repeated it starting to squat down I think they realised I was serious and moved pretty quick. They asked if I wanted to get on the bed, I said no, wanted to be on my hands and knees so they set up everything by the sofa with a mat on the floor. Spent a few minutes there and then they struggled to find the heartbeat in that position so wanted me on the bed. Agreed as I wanted them to be able to make sure baby was ok!
They then started telling me to hold my breath and push on each contraction as she needed to be born soon (found out later that the heartbeat had slowed as she had the cord double wrapped round her neck). I wasnt hearing what they were saying, G was telling me in my ear to push as hard as I can as we were going to meet our baby soon. I was now 'in the zone' and determined. A few other midwives came in and said they would need to do an episiotomy to get her out quickly. I agreed, knowing what it was and knowing it was necessary, just wanted her born safe by this point.
J was born shortly after, at 20:22. Less than 2 hours after arriving at hospital. Healthy and happy and had good signs straight away :) G told them I wanted skin to skin when they put a towel on me so they removed it and lifted her on to me. The best feeling in the world. Cord was long so she came right onto my chest and fed.
She was 8 pounds 13 and 58cm long!! Tall like her Mummy and Daddy.
We are absolutely in awe of her, loving every second and staring at her all day.
Thank you SO much for all your support through the hypnobirthing course. I have no doubt that our positive experience was all due to you. J is such a chilled baby so far and I'm sure it is because I was so relaxed in labour. Listened to your tracks so much in the last few months. G was the perfect birth partner and we both felt empowered to deal with the twists and turns of J's birth.
This is the beautiful birth story of baby J whose parents attended my Group Hypnobirthing Course in December 2022.