Navigating Motherhood
Postnatal Course in Winchester
Your guide for navigating motherhood with confidence, calm and balance, even amidst the beautiful chaos!
For mums and babies from birth
"An amazing course focusing on the transition to motherhood. It was a really helpful space to laugh and cry, support each other, and reflect on different aspects of the journey of motherhood. Babies were welcomed and enjoyed but the focus is on the mother, which was really refreshing. Since the baby has arrived my focus has been 100% on him, and it was really nice to have an opportunity to check in with myself again. We covered a range of topics such as self-care, unhelpful comparisons, shifting relationships and feeding journeys (to name a few), and it was helpful to talk about this to other mum who were going through similar things. The course was like receiving a nice warm hug from Val every week."

"Spending time with like-minded mothers in a welcoming and safe space to support you and offer the chance to reflect on your transition to motherhood."

"A course that discusses and covers all those unanswered questions and feelings you have as a new mum. It provides an opportunity to meet other mums and hear different stories, experiences and journeys around navigating motherhood in a comfortable home from home setting."

"An amazing course focusing on the transition to motherhood. It was a really helpful space to laugh and cry, support each other, and reflect on different aspects of the journey of motherhood. Babies were welcomed and enjoyed but the focus is on the mother, which was really refreshing. It was really nice to have an opportunity to check in with myself again."
The Navigating Motherhood postnatal course as described by other mums:
How will the Navigating Motherhood postnatal course help you?
This course is for you if you want to:
Embrace your motherhood transition and discover your new normal, with joy and confidence
Feel confident that you are the best mum for your baby. You truly are.
Reconnect with yourself and find your identity as a mum
Navigate tough days with more ease and resilience, with a toolkit of relaxation and grounding techniques
Find your tribe of like-minded mums to support and cheer you on!
Enhance bonding and connection with your baby
Find balance and look after yourself, without feeling guilty.
"I loved the opportunity to have such open and honest conversations with other mums, to normalise things that don’t get spoken about that often and also gain practical tips and guidance to support my transition into motherhood"
“I feel like you facilitate such a safe space, free of judgement, which is why those open conversations are just so valuable!”
What do you get in the Navigating Motherhood Course?
The course is delivered as 4 sessions of ~2 hours each in a small group setting (max. 6 mums and babies) at my home in Winchester. There’s space for you and your babies to move around and be comfortable and plenty of homemade snacks and hot drinks. The most important thing for me is to make it a great experience for you!
Tailored individual support from me on What's App and email throughout the 4-week block (and well beyond!)
Two postnatal relaxation tracks
The Positive Birthing & Parenting workbook, full of practical tips for a positive postnatal period
A toolkit of techniques to feel more confident and in control in motherhood
Easy tools to navigate negative emotions and calm the overwhelm on harder days
Approaches for maximising rest & feeling refreshed even in the midst of extreme sleep deprivation
Restorative relaxations to reset and bring balance
Please book a free call if you have any questions. I'm very happy to talk anything through with you (with absolutely no obligation to sign up afterwards)!
What is covered in the Navigating Motherhood Postnatal Course?
Your Motherhood, Your Way
- Defining your mothering values
- Embracing your new normal
- Steadying your motherhood mindset
- Positive affirmations
- Making parenting choices that are right for you
- Mum comparison
Looking After You Too & Finding Balance
- Postnatal self-care: your needs matter
- Recharging your batteries
- Your postnatal nest
- Setting boundaries
- Partner support & creating support networks
- Shifting relationships
Navigating the Postnatal Rollercoaster of Emotions
- The whirlwind of emotions
- You are not your thoughts
- Reconnecting with yourself
- Your Hypnomothering toolkit for confidence & calm
- Navigating tough days
- Acceptance & letting go of mum guilt
Reconnecting with your body
- The Postpartum Body
- Body image & acceptance
- Your feeding journey
- Maximising Rest & Surviving Sleep Deprivation
- Physical self-care & wellbeing
"I just wanted to say a big thank you, I feel like our sessions prepared us both really well, and I actually did get the best birth that I could hope for!"
Who is the Navigating Motherhood Postnatal Course suitable for?The course is for all new mums, whether for the first or fifth time, with babies from birth. It's designed for mums in the first year of motherhood with babies who aren't yet too mobile . There isn't a specific baby cut-off age as every baby is different and will move at different times - please get in touch if you'd like to discuss this in more details.
When can I start the course?The Navigating Motherhood Postnatal Course is suitable for new mums and babies from birth. Come along as soon as you feel ready to make it out of the house!
What if I'm running late?You and your baby are always welcome, at whatever time you arrive! The door will always be open, just let yourself in as and when you arrive and join us in your own time.
What if my baby screams the place down, needs feeding or changing?All of these are completely expected and welcome! Please feel free to change nappies, feed and soothe your baby as often as you need to. You and your baby are always welcome as you are, and however you are feeling that day. Your baby's cry is his way of communicating and expressing himself, and it will never be an issue here. I'm a mum of 3 little ones (+ my middle one had reflux) so no amount of crying phases me! I've been vomited on on multiple occasions in previous groups and we all had a laugh about it! And please ask me for anything that you need to help you feel more comfortable. I have a fridge to store milk and can warm bottles for you.
Is there parking?Yes, there is free parking nearby and I have a number of visitors permits also.
Is there space for buggies?Yes. There is a dedicated buggy space in the garage which is safe and undercover.
Do I need to have done a Hypnobirthing Course before?Absolutely not! You do not need any prior knowledge or experience of Hypnobirthing to join the postnatal course. (If you have done a hypnobirthing course with me you might recognise some of the hypnobirthing tools and techniques, adapted specifically for the postnatal period.)
What qualifications do you have?I'm a certified Hypnobirthing practitioner trained by Katharine Graves and the Hypnobirthing Association and have a KGH Hypnobirthing Diploma, a course accredited by the Royal College of Midwives. I trained with the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre to teach Mindfulness. I'm an accredited 3 Step Rewind practitioner (gentle technique to help process a difficult birth or perinatal experience). I'm a mum of 3 small ones. I completely get it. I’ve experienced three very different postnatal journeys and the rollercoaster of emotions multiple times! I'm a Mental Health First Aider I've been facilitating group conversations around birth and the postnatal period for years: the difficult ones, the ‘embarrassing’ ones, the funny ones. I’m ALL in for all of the above!